As the healthcare delivery model shifts towards value based healthcare, the need for effective population health management solutions continues to grow. However, for many organization choosing the right solution and planning for deployment remains uncharted territory with risk and uncertainty attached to identifying options and selecting the optimal path forwards.

Ares Health Systems has over 10 years experience in designing, developing and deploying population health programs for personalized care and can assist with strategic consulting advice, program design, workforce development and operational deployment.


Services supporting population health and personal healthcare program delivery for disease management, health risk prevention and wellness include:

       Strategy development for personalized care and clinical integration

       Program design, development and deployment

       System design, development and deployment

       Evaluation of process, impact and outcomes

Areas of Focus

Providing action-oriented services to support personalized participatory care solutions in large-scale population health programs

      Programs driving coordinated care through prevention and disease management

      Use of patient generated health data in clinical care programs

     Implementing programs to drive patient engagement

Providing advice to companies seeking to deliver care-management, population health management, patient engagement or wellness services to health providers

      Input and advice on business strategy and planning

      Input and advice on business strategy execution

      Review and advice on clinical management, clinical engagement and clinical deployment

      Advice and assistance with establishing advisory boards

      Advice and assistance on business proposition positioning; to stakeholders, end users and investors

      Business leadership advice, coaching and support

Mpower Your Health Personalized Care Platform

Ares Health Systems supports delivery of its advisory services for disease management, health risk prevention and wellness through our Mpower Your Health® platform, designed to complement and extend existing capabilities in clinical record, population health and patient engagement systems.

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